The Magical World of Harry Potter

This blog is for those who live in the world of Harry Potter! It is for those who are captivated by the wizardry series created by J.K. Rowling. For all those who sneer at the fantasy world of Harry Potter, all I can say is, you have no idea what you are missing! As for the rest, I have just two words to say to you, "Tuck In!"

Location: Mumbai, India

All my life I wanted to be someone... now I know I should have been a little more specific! :)

Monday, October 30, 2006

That Rat!

There are certain aspects of JK Rowling’s writing that most of her readers are aware of by now. Her deliberate attempt to hoodwink and possibly mislead the reader till the very end. Quirrell was the spluttering, scared, timid teacher until he proved to be the carrier of Voldemort. Snape was the supposed Harry killer, until we found out that he was trying to save Harry. Sirius Black was this villain who betrayed Harry’s parents, until he proved to be the most faithful. Barty Crouch as Mad Eye appeared to be Harry’s well-wisher until he turned out to be a death eater! JK often tries to get the attention off the main events by giving stress on unimportant things.

And this has led me to analyze the rat! Ever since the third book, Peter Pettigrew has been someone we all have detested, hated even, for betraying the Potters and falsely convicting Sirius. We have considered him to a leach, a pest, who deserves to die the most painful death ever! Of all the dark characters in the book, Peter is probably the most unlikable character. We all like Snape, even in his unfair, miserable, sadist attitude, there is something attractive about Snape. Voldemort is a glorified villain. But Peter… he is definitely someone we would all like to think doesn’t exist! Or isn’t too important.

And yet, there is something about Pettigrew that does not fit logic. Every time Peter is mentioned, JK has tried to shove something very different in our face to get the attention away from Peter. And dislike him as we all do, we are happy to get distracted. I thought let me take a look at someone who played such an important role in Harry’s misery from birth till date!

Of what we know about Peter is mainly through half a dozen people. Rosemarta, McGonagall, Fudge, a little of Harry’s interpretation, Remus, Sirius and Voldemort.
And what do these people have to say about Peter?
Rosemarta: “Pettigrew… that fat boy who was always tagging around them at Hogwarts?”
McGonagall: “Hero-worshipped Black and Potter. Never quite in their league talent-wise. Stupid-boy, foolish-boy, he was always hopeless at dueling.

Fudge: It was little Peter Pettigrew, another of Potter’s friends.
Harry: Sirius Black blasting Peter Pettigrew (who resembled Neville Longbottom)
- You always liked big friends who would look after you.
- Voldemort would be sure to come after me, would never dream they’d use a weak, talent less thing like you.
Lupin: Peter needed all the help he could get from James and Sirius.

- Your devotion is nothing more than cowardice.
- Wormtail I need someone with brains.
And of course JK herself has tried her level best to dismiss Peter as someone not that important or useful!

Let’s take Rosemarta’s description first. According to her Peter is a fat boy who is always tagging around Sirius and James. What does that mean? Does that mean that this fat boy can’t be dangerous? No, but the impression we get is, he is utterly useless ball of flesh tagging along James and Sirius.

McGonagall says that he was never quite in the league of James and Sirius. Whatever does the word quite mean? Not on par? Alright, so he wasn’t on par with them, but does that mean he was useless? No… does that mean he didn’t have talent? No… it only means that he was maybe not as good as them. Okay, so he wasn’t good at dueling. But very honestly, Hermione isn’t very skilled at dueling either. She gets flustered, at times frozen, when she is faced with a really nasty curse. Will we call Hermione stupid and foolish?? So why do we conclude that Peter is…

Fudge calls him little Peter… another one of those things we say when we mention someone who is not up to the mark!

Harry listens to the conversation between Rosemarta, McGonagall and Fudge and concludes that he was like Neville Longbottom. Immediately we think he is this scared, stupid fool. Of course, he proves very un-Neville like in the end of book 3, but we, as readers, do not really let go of the Neville like impression do we?

Sirius makes him look like a sucker, ready to milk as much as he can from useful people and not give anything back. Weak and talent less he calls him.

Remus confesses that James and Sirius had to help Peter to become an animagus, which we conclude to mean that he was pretty ill-equipped to do it on his own, or just plain dumb.

Lord Voldemort himself confesses that he knows Peter is staying with him out of cowardice. He also dismisses Peter as a brainless guy! After all the years of Pettigrew's service, why does Voldemort feel the need to say he was brainless?

Alright, now let’s look at a few things objectively.

- I am a rat! Peter needed all the help in the world to become an animagus. But do you think he could have managed it, if he didn’t have some meat of his own?? Do you honestly think someone like Dean or Luna can become an animagus if Harry, Ron and Hermione broke their heads over it? And if they did manage, I would not consider them stupid or talent less to say the least!
- I am the spy! If Peter managed to spy on James and company for Voldemort for over a year before James’s death without getting caught, can he be considered dumb? Can a stupid person manage to remain an undetected spy for so long? Can someone trust you with their life then? Peter managed to hoodwink not just Sirius or James but also Dumbledore, thoroughly!! And that is no work of a stupid, foolish boy!
- I cut my toe! To think on your feet when cornered and come up with a master plan is no easy feat! And yet Peter managed it. He blew off the street, escaped and made sure that Black is arrested! Even Black himself didn’t understand that Peter was alive that long as a rat! Cowardly maybe, but not dumb!
- I am from Gryffindor! If Peter was in Gryffindor, there has to be some qualities of a typical Gryffindor in him. (Although that’s slightly questionable. There are lots of undeserving Gryffindorites too.) I think he was better suited in Slytherin.

All this apart, Peter Pettigrew caused more damage than any of us are ready to acknowledge.
- It was Peter who was a spy for Voldemort when Voldemort was chasing the Potters.
- It was Peter who passed on the information to Voldemort, which led to the murder of the Potters.
- It was Peter who had the sense to flick Voldemort’s wand from Godrics Hollow!
- It was Peter who put Sirius in Azkaban for more than 12 years.
- It was Peter of all the other Death Eaters who found Voldemort.
- It was Peter who found Bertha Jorkins and brought her to Voldemort, allowing him to create a master plan.
- It was Peter who helped perform the act that brought Voldemort back to his body.
- It was Peter who was sent to spy on Snape in HBP.

Has any single person in the Harry Potter series done so many destructive things? Has any other character caused such mayhem? And yet, JK tries to convince us that he is no good???

Well, something is amiss in this whole Peter Pettigrew episode. We all know that he owes his life to Harry and Harry will be repaid for the same… but… that can’t be all. I have a feeling that Peter has a role to play, a major role to play, for that rat is no timid mouse!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Great Mystery Of Dumbledore's Death!

My first reaction when I read the last part of the chapter “The Lightening-Struck Tower” of the Half-Blood Prince was JK Rowling is really going too far. Sirius perished in book 5, and she is actually finishing of Albus Dumbledore in book 6! I was lightening struck…

But a year down the line, with so many pro and counter arguments regarding Albus Dumbledore’s death, I have finally made my peace and looked at the rationale behind why Dumbledore is discarded in the book. Despite JK’s very public declaration, “Dumbledore is definitely dead.” I still have my doubts about the whole mystery surrounding Dumbledore’s death. As a reader I am beyond consolation… for there is simply no justification as to why an author would want to kill such a lovable character. But as a literary person, I think I can understand where JK Rowling comes from. Before I go on to Dumbledore’s death strictly from a technical point of view and present the pro and counter clues… a quick word on the literary significance of Dumbledore’s death.

JK Rowling created a series on the story of a boy-wizard Harry Potter who is destined to lead a difficult, dangerous and uncertain life. The series has 4 main characters… Harry Potter himself, Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore and after book 6, Severus Snape. I am not saying that Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Lily, and the likes are not important. But, they are not vital to the storyline… at least anyone of them dying isn’t going to affect the story all so drastically. Sirius Black’s death proved as much! But any of the four main characters affected in any way, today has a direct impact on the storyline.

We all unanimously agree that Harry left to himself is incapable of handling the task at hand (destroying all the horcruxes) and he is going to need help. Very honestly, I feel that the only people who can truly help Harry with the actual task are Dumbledore and Snape. Literary speaking, it also means that, the protagonist is not fully equipped to deal with the hurdle. We found out the strength of Dumbledore in book 5, when he saved Harry from Voldemort. Needless to say, if it wasn’t for Dumbledore, Harry would be a goner by now. There are times in the story, when Harry is almost side-tracked and as the protagonist of the book, we cannot let that happen. As long as Albus Dumbledore was alive, Harry could never truly be the hero. The title of the book may as well change to Albus Dumbledore and the…
Therefore, for the Harry Potter series to be truly about Harry Potter, the wise-old man with the beard had to die! So, somewhere JK has got her basics right. The only counter argument I can give to this in the literary sense is that, you cannot leave the protagonist without any emotional support! His parents are dead, his relatives are useless, his Godfather is killed and now his mentor is gone. A hero cannot be left emotionally high and dry! Harry needs to belong somewhere… and every time he does, that support system is snatched away. That’s a bit cruel.

Now coming to Dumbledore’s death. The big question in the minds of all Potter addicts… Is Albus Dumbledore really dead? Again before I give my opinion, let’s look at the clues…

The mysterious circumstances:
1. The mystery of the missing phoenix: Where was Fawkes when Dumbledore was in trouble this time? We saw him save Dumbledore in the ministry of magic, when he swallowed the death curse. Mere loyalty towards Dumbledore brings Fawkes to the rescue… so the mysterious disappearance of the phoenix is very suspicious, unless the phoenix had orders to stay away. Which then points to the fact that Dumbledore wanted to die.
2. Immobile Harry: Why did Dumbledore waste time in performing the freezing charm on Harry, when Harry was already under the invisibility cloak and in no immediate danger? This I suppose has just one explanation. Dumbledore didn’t want Harry to interfere. Which again points us to the fact that Dumbledore had something in mind, a plan which did not include Harry or need Harry interference.
3. The Avada Kedavra effect: A person flung into the air, suspended in the air and then toppled over a wall out of sight! Can this really be Avada Kedavra? I don’t remember seeing anyone thrown away by whatever I have read of the curse. The spider just rolled onto his back, dead. Harry didn’t actually see Cedric die, but as far as the text goes, Cedric collapsed next to Harry. He wasn’t thrown away! Frank Bryce too just crumpled… no way was he thrown anywhere. So why the difference with Dumbledore? Was Snape performing his famous non-verbal spell, something different, something maybe less damaging?
4. The Plea: Anyone who has followed Dumbledore in the series will tell you that Dumbledore is just not the type to plead for anything, keep aside his own life! So the “Severus please…” seems very dicey to me.
5. The flames: Why did Dumbledore’s body turn to flames? I have nothing to say about it, as I don’t understand it…

These are the mysterious situations. Now for some questions.
Why did Dumbledore jump off in the air as if hit multiple expelliarmus spells at the same time (something similar hiiting Snape in POA)?
If Dumbledore is dead, the unbreakable vow is fulfilled. If Dumbledore is not dead, then Snape should be dead right? Well, as far as we know, he is still hail and healthy.
Dumbledore’s portrait and gargoyle’s acceptance of the deputy headmistress as the new headmistress.
The spell on Harry is broken the moment Dumbledore is thrown off the tower. That can happen only when the person who puts the spell dies.
Where is Dumbledore’s wand? Or why is his body not shown after Hagrid carries him off? Further we never see his body actually buried, but just a white tomb stone. Do we really know if the body is inside?
Harry sees an apparition of a Phoenix just before the flames engulf the grave. Could it be Dumbledore going off as an animagi?

All the clues, mysterious circumstances and unanswered questions make it difficult to judge if Dumbledore is really dead. Yet, for me, I think the old man is really dead. I am not saying this because the author spelt it out, but because, I believe that he is truly dead. I believed once that Black will be back in the next book, but we now know that he is truly dead. JK doesn’t kill off her characters to bring them back. However, I have no doubts that Dumbledore will play a vital role in the next book. Maybe through his portrait, that’s the closest I can get. But it is equally true, that now it is truly Harry battle. He will have to do it alone. That’s the way it works doesn’t it? The hero has to conquer the evil alone! He will have help from his friends, the Order, even Snape and Draco maybe (I am a firm believer that Snape is not on Voldemort’s side), but the final battle, that’s between Harry and Voldemort, and that’s all there is to it, really :).

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Was Severus Snape Ever Really a Death Eater?

Sirius stared at the cave wall, then made a grimace of frustration.
“There’s still the fact that Dumbledore trusts Snape, and I know Dumbledore trusts where a lot of other people wouldn’t, but I just can’t see him letting Snape teach at Hogwarts if he had ever worked for Voldemort.”

Ever since I read these lines way back in July of 2000, I haven’t been able to rid myself of suspicions about Snape’s loyalty, Dumbledore’s trust in Snape and Snape’s behaviour where he goes out of his way to be misunderstood. The suspicions grew more and more as the next two books released, and by the end of Half-Blood Prince, I am thinking that Severus Snape in fact may never have been a real death eater!

Of course I have a theory and nothing more, but the theory helped me solve a few important questions apart from proving Snape’s loyalty.
- Why does Dumbledore trust Snape?

- Where do Snape’s loyalties lie?
- What makes Snape hate Harry?
- Why does Dumbledore with hold the truth about Snape from Harry?

To answer these questions let’s take a look at a few events, timelines and facts…

By now, we know that the entire Harry Potter series is really based on two things. Prophecy and choices made around the prophecy. I have been thinking about this, ever since I read the Half Blood Prince, and it had taken me a number of re-readings and then some more to get something right. I am sure I am not the first one to come up with this, but all the same.
Professor Dumbledore tells Harry that while Trelawney made the prophecy, there was an eavesdropper who heard first half of the prophecy, but due to sheer luck, he was identified and thrown out of the building. This is impossible. And we have 2 solid proofs and common sense to back us up here. Let’s deal with the proofs here. The pensive which Dumbledore shows Harry, shows Professor Trelawney saying the whole prophecy in one go. We do now see anyone getting up, identifying the spy and throwing him out of the building. Two, professor Trelawney tells Harry in HBP that while her interview with Dumbledore was on, she started feeling a little odd, but then she was interrupted rudely by Severus Snape. Since the pensive doesn’t show anything, we can easily conclude that Snape interrupted after the whole thing was said because Trelawney was aware that they were interrupted. These are proofs. Now let’s turn to common sense. We found out first in Prisoner of Azkaban that Trelawney doesn’t remember anything she has said when she makes these “genuine” predictions. It will be impossible for Professor Trelawney to go into a trance, utter the first half of the prophecy, then be interrupted, wait for the eavesdropper to be thrown out of the building, then go back into trance and finish off the prophecy. This means that no one interrupted Dumbledore and Trelawney until the entire prediction was over. So we can safely conclude that if Snape heard the prophecy, as Dumbledore confesses he did, he heard the entire prophecy. The questions that arise now are:
- Why did Dumbledore lie to Harry about the intruder?
- Why did he deliberately gave Harry half, incompletely and misleading information?
- And finally, why did Snape provide only half the contents of the prophecy to Voldemort?

To answer this question, let’s take a look at a few timelines. There are several timelines thrown in the entire Harry Potter series. Closely examining these timelines reveals that some of them simply don’t match. I agree that JK is not particularly keen on keeping tracks of the accuracy of the dates (September 2 can’t always be a Monday for six consecutive years after all!), but her timelines don’t go off hand and miss out years! Take a look at these timelines listed here and then go on to the text for the theory.

- Harry Potter was born on July 31, 1980. (He just celebrated his 26th birthday on July 31, 2006.).
- Professor Trelawney made her prophecy on a cold wet night, 16 years ago. So I am assuming somewhere around the New Year of 1980. Since Harry was born in July 1980.
- Voldemort came to the Godric’s Hollow on the Halloween of 1981 and killed Harry’s parents. So Lily and James died in October/November 1981.
- Lord Voldemort also disappeared in October/November 1981.
- Harry started school on September 1, 1991.
- Lord Voldemort returned to power in June of 1995. (Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts in GoF)
- Around Christmas of 1995, i.e. OotP, Umbridge asks Snape how long he has been at Hogwarts and he says 14 years. So Snape joined the staff on September 1, 1981. James and Lily were still alive. And Lord Voldemort was still alive too.
- Same time in 1995, in OotP, Umbridge asks Trelawney how long she has been at Hogwarts and she says sixteen years. So we can safely assume that she joined the Hogwarts staff in the second term of school after Christmas in January 1980.
- Harry turned 16 years old on July 31, 1996.

- During the same time, in HBP, Snape tells Bellatrix that he gave Voldemort 16 years worth of information on Dumbledore, as a welcome back gift. This means, Snape is claiming that he has information on Dumbledore since 1980. If Snape joined Hogwarts in 1981, how does he have one extra year of information?
- Secondly, as we believe to know, Dumbledore provided testimony regarding Snape to the Ministry of Magic in GoF, that he in fact joined Dumbledore before the fall of Lord Voldemort, Snape joined him in 1981 and James and Lily were still alive. So his story about regret and remorse at James and Lily’s death as the reason to join Dumbledore can be trashed and it definitely doesn’t hold true.
- And finally, if as Snape himself claims, he has been around Dumbledore for 16 years, i.e. since 1979-1980, then has Snape been around Dumbledore during the time Trelawney made her prophecy, helping Dumbledore?

The question then arises is, if Snape knew the contents of the prophecy, why did he pass on half information to Voldemort? Here comes the crux. And here’s where Sirius’s words hit me, again and again.

My theory is, Snape joined Voldemort as a death eater on Dumbledore’s orders. Snape was friends with most prospective death eaters, knew and loved dark arts and was most definitely not popular. And yet, Snape was never portrayed as being cruel. Evil, impartial, unfair, yes, but never cruel. “But as far as I know, Snape was never even accused of being a Death Eater!” – Sirius says in “Padfoot Returns” in Book 4. Which somehow points to the fact that Snape may never have been a genuine death eater. I think Dumbledore planted Snape as a death eater to spy on Voldemort.
When Dumbledore heard the prophecy, he saw a plan. Dumbledore knew that Voldemort wanted to be immortal. So he also knew that Voldemort would go on the trail of the boy who might vanquish him, and try to kill him. Then, did Dumbledore use the prophecy to lure Voldemort into some sort of a trap by sending Snape to Voldemort with half information? Think about it. Almost a year passed between the prophecy proclamation and the death of the two Potters. It most definitely couldn’t have taken Voldemort a year to hunt them down? In Prisoner of Azkaban Fudge tells Rosmerta that not many people were aware that the Potter’s knew that Voldemort was after them. Fudge also tells them that Dumbledore had a number of useful spies. One of them tipped Dumbledore off regarding Voldemort’s hunt of the Potters.

This is very important bit of information missed. Who was the spy who tipped Dumbledore off that it was in fact the Potters and not Longbottoms who Voldemort is after? If as Dumbledore said, there was no way for anyone to know who Voldemort might “mark as his equal,” then how did he have a tip off regarding the same? And think about it, why did Voldemort mark out the Potters?

It probably was a well thought out plan between Snape, Dumbledore and the Potters to use the prophecy as a bait to trap Voldemort. Pettigrew turning a spy ruined the plan for the three. If this theory has even a slightest truth in it, then it answers a lot many questions.
- Dumbledore trusts Snape because Snape is and has always been Dumbledore’s man!
- Snape’s loyalties always lay with Dumbledore!
- Snape hates Harry because Snape was jealous of the attention Dumbledore gave Harry, the attention which was prior to Harry’s entry, Snapes’.
- As for why Dumbledore lied to Harry, the answer is two-fold. Telling Harry such important information always came with a risk that Voldemort may find out about it, in which case Snape’s life would be in danger. Secondly, in confessing to Harry that he used the prophecy as a bait to lure Voldemort to attack the Potters, indirectly makes Dumbledore responsible for the death of Harry’s parents, which is something that Dumbledore wouldn’t want Harry to know yet!

Well that’s about it! I am a self-confessed Severus Snape fan. Call it the sinister attraction or the bad boy, good girl phenomenon. Severus Sinister Sexy Snape is my favourite character of the book, and I shall try to prove his innocence!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Unanswered Questions

The first six books are out! They have created a frenzy, conjured up a hysteria and opened doors to so many questions. Popular opinion is that if J.K. Rowling goes on to answer all these, she might end up writing a book so big, that it might be difficult to carry around! And yet, answer she must. Here’s a list of questions that need satisfactory answers…

Answers we must know:

* Where do Snape’s real loyalties lie?

* Why does Dumbledore trust Snape?

* Why doesn’t Dumbledore tell Harry about his reasons for trusting Snape?

* What are the remaining horcruxes?
o The diary is gone,
o The ring is destroyed
o Voldemort has a piece of soul in him,
o The Slytherin locket is still at large
o The Hufflepuff Cup is missing
o We have no idea what’s the one Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
o Nagini (?)

* Who is R.A.B?

* How does one destroy a horcrux?

* Who accompanied R.A.B to retrieve the locket?

* Which were the murders which Voldemort used to create horcruxes and why?

* What is the process of creating a horcrux?

* What is the importance of Lily’s and Harry’s eyes?

* Why did Voldemort give Lily a choice to live?

* Did James and Lily know about the prophecy?

* Was Lily's protection something she did on purpose?

* Who were Dumbledore’s other spies among Voldemort's followers? (Fudge says in POA that there was more than one).

* How did Dumbledore know so soon as to what had happened to James and Lily before he sent Hagrid to Godric's Hollow?

* If until the night of the attack, Dumbledore wasn’t so sure that the Potter’s were being targeted by Voldemort, did it mean that the Longbottoms have similar protections set up?

* What happened to the bodies of Lily and James? The wands? The 3 wands are unaccounted for in the books.

* What is Wormtail’s life debt to Harry? How will he repay it?

* What is the importance of the gleam in Dumbledore’s eye in Book 4, when Harry tell Dumbledore that the protection that Harry’s mother left him, Voldemort would have it too.

* What did Lily and James do for a living? What were their professions?

* Did Snape love Lily? Did anyone ever love Snape? Is Snape married?

* What is Dumbledore’s background?

* Why did James leave his invisibility cloak with Dumbledore?

* “The power the Dark Lord knows not” is love. So why is it a big deal?

* Where did Snape learn Legimency and Occlumency from?

* Does Snape’s hesitation to the third and final condition of the unbreakable vow have any greater significance?

* Why was the effect of Avada Kedrava different on Dumbledore? No one we know was blasted into the air!

* Was Dumbledore’s plea on the Astronomy Tower the one which said “Save me?” or the one which said, “Kill me?”

* What is the meaning of the conversation Hagrid heard at the lake, between Snape and Dumbledore, about how Dumbledore took too much for granted?

* Why could Snape pass through the invisible barrier? Was it because of the death mark?

* Was Dumbledore an animagus?

* What did Dumbledore see when he drank the potion in the cave that made him think that he was responsible for something dreadful?

* Is Dumbledore a parselmouth?

* What does Dumbledore’s will say?

* What’s with the veil in the Ministry building? What are the sounds? What’s the mystery?

* What will happen to Draco Malfoy?

* Does Godric’s Hollow and Godric Gryffindor have any relation? Or is it just a co-incidence?

* What made James and Sirius distrust Lupin and trust Pettigrew instead?

Answers that are good to know:

* What does Dumbledore see when he looks in the Mirror of Erised?

* What does Dumbledore visualize when he faces the Dementors?

* What shape would Dumbledore’s boggart take?

* Who has Dumbledore’s wand now that he is dead?

* What form would Snape’s boggart and partronus take?

* What is the core/description of Snape’s wand?

* What will Snape see in the Mirror of Erised?

* How did both Harry and Voldemort survive the killing curse? JKR says this is the "crucial and central question" of the story.

* What destroyed the house?

* What good was the Fidelius Charm, if others (Sirius, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Peter) knew where the Potters were anyway?

* What exactly was in Dumbledore's "last" letter to Petunia?

* Had Dumbledore created other protections on the Hollow? I'm thinking of the multiple protections that the Sorcerer's Stone had.

* Why wasn't Harry hurt if the house exploded?

* What did Dudley see when the Dementors attacked them in book 5?

* What happened to Sirius’s motorcycle which Hagrid had borrowed?

* Which is the character that manages to do some magic in desperate situations?

* What happened to Ollivander?

* Does lighting bolt shape of the scar on Harry’s head have any significance?

* How and when will Ravenclaw have its day?

Harry Potter… You are famous!

Once upon a time, in 1990, a young girl by the name Joanne Kathleen Rowling found herself stuck on a train and decided to start writing. Sixteen years later, her creation, Harry Potter, has become a thunderous phenomenon with no equal in the literary world! The boy-who-lived and his story has touched, influenced and gripped millions of people across countries, across cultures and across generations! No writer has managed to pull children and adults alike towards the captivating world of books and mysterious world of magic the way JK has. And for that alone, the charming writer deserves an applause! Google the words Harry Potter, and you will be hit in the face with something like Results 1 - 10 of about 75,500,000 for Harry Potter. (0.05 seconds)!

With six out of the seven book series out, the Potter fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting the release of the final book. (The sixth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, released on July 16, 2005), it’s been a really long wait! While I await the book that decides Harry’s fate, and silences my curious mind, I have tons of unanswered questions, likely theories and outcomes brewing in my mind. Hermione’s Universe is my effort to voice those questions, form those theories and analyze the likely outcomes!

Welcome to the Magical World of Harry Potter!!